Monday, 14 January 2019
I am sad to announce that I will not be returning to your child's classroom this year. I am patiently awaiting our second child. Your children are in excellent hands, as teachers have recently been hired to take my position! Please email me if you have any questions concerning the transition. I trust it will go well! Thank you for working together with me. I will miss your children and can't wait to visit!!

Monday, 3 December 2018
Thank you for coming to our class to see your child's hard work! It was such a pleasure to meet you. We only have 3 weeks left until Christmas holidays! We will be working hard at all of our regular "stuff," as well as working on our Christmas Concert. It will be held on December 19 in the evening. More details will be posted.
After Christmas, I hope to return to our class for as long as I can, but am expecting for the end of February. As soon as the next teacher is hired, you will receive a note with all available information.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Please come at your scheduled time tomorrow and Friday! If you are early or late, you will miss your time slot altogether. I look forward to meeting with each of you!

Thursday, 22 November 2018
Our Pet Vet:

We do so many things in our Vet Clinic! Here is a list of things we learn, practice, and explore:
- help animals by giving them needles, X-rays, hugs, baths, food
- work together as we role play by taking turns being the doctor, the customer, the pet owners, the cleaners
- practice time management
- take turns
- sort animals

In the next weeks, we will also be taking notes and medical orders on paper to practice our literacy skills. We will also be using a few new tools in our clinic, and adding more art!

Head to our Snapshots page to see this weeks hard work!

Thursday, 15 November 2018
A few notes:

Please call JRW to book your Student Involved Conference times!
Thank you for sending your child with appropriate winter clothing. :)
Next week Wednesday is Early Dismissal (2:30), and next week Friday is Noon Dismissal (11:30).
Report Cards will be sent home near the end of November.
Pizza $ Orders are due next week.
*Please read at home with your child every night!

Friday, 9 November 2018
We have been working hard at identifying how, why and where things change. Change is everywhere! This term, we have noticed that the following things change:

We have also discussed the importance of being a part of changing our community and classroom to make them a better place! As a class, we decided that a few important community members who help change our community are:

We decided to change our Pumpkin Patch into a Vet to practice helping others! We are also learning about our senses, and are working to use all of our sense as we role play. We use x-rays of animals to *see* how we can help animals. We use brushes, beds, and blankets to help the animals *feel* safe and comfortable. We feed the animals and talk about their sense of *taste*. We understand that animals need different foods, and we can't feed them all the same thing, or the same amount. We use our ears to *hear* their heartbeats, their whines, their growls, and each other talk.
Using all our senses, we work to help animals, customers, and each other!
We are identifying ways our community would be different, without people like veterinarians to help our animals.

Next week we will be thinking of ways we can help animals prepare for the winter. We might build bird feeders, animal homes, or simply clean up garbage to help keep them safe!

Head to our Snapshots page for a glimpse into our Vet.